Mayna Treanor Avent Studio Cabin

Mayna’s art is shown in museums and displayed in private homes.  She would paint on commission but also give them away to family and friends. Featured here are artwork that, unless otherwise stated, remain within the Avent family and whose provenance are known. Not all were executed in the Avent Cabin. 

Selected Artwork

Mayna’s son James was an avid photographer.  James hiked deep and high into the mountains and he or his campanions would record their journeys.  When James and his family were back Stateside from his work in China,  they would spend part of their home leave at the cabin.

The Cabin Over the Years

The Cabin Today

The Cabin today is maintained by the National Park Service and non-profit organizations such as Friends of the Smokies. It is open to visitors year-round with the only admission price being to respect and appreciate it.