James Avent China Memories

About and Copyright

James Avent was my grandfather on my mother’s side.   He is the son of noted Tennessee artist Mayna Treanor Avent.  After retirement, James and Jeanette Avent moved to Sewanee, Tennessee where I spent my childhood.  Our family grew up with stories from him, his wife Jeanette, and their children.  My only regret is that we did not spend more time recording their memories until later in life. What we managed to capture is given here.

With the passing of my mother Mayna Avent Nance (formerly  Mayna Avent MacKinnon) in 2020, the last of the “Old China Hands” who witnessed much of what occurred, left us.  I am endeavoring to go through all of the considerable amount of information and present it here time permitting.

Why create this website?

It may be hard to imagine now, but there was a time relatively recently when China was isolated and information about it was harder to come by.  This is especially true from 1949 until the 1980’s.  Before this era from the early 1900’s through the Second World War, China was more open but under constant turmoil.  James Avent was a first hand witness to this time and an avid photographer also recording many movies (during a time when photographs and movies were expensive to produce).  Over the years, scholars and those interested in China during this time have sought out the Avent family for their recollections. This website attempts to make this information accessible.

Bryan MacKinnon

bryan@mackinnon.org            www.mackinnon.org


Permission is granted for non-profit use provided proper citation is given to “James Avent China Memories by Bryan MacKinnon”.  All other uses require permission. It has taken time to preserve and present these artifacts and we hope all will respect this.